This 3-Minute Trick Has Proven To Increase Click-Through Rate By 3x to 8x! 

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Business Glu Boosts Your Clicks, Engagement, & Sales While Making You Standout As The ‘Go-To’ Authority In Your Industry

You have found one marketing solution that simply increases your bottom line with minimal effort. It increases your ROI tremendously!

Get 3x to 8x More Clicks To Your Offers

You can get more clicks to your offers by leveraging the power of push notifications that go straight to your audience’s phone.

As great as email marketing is, the facts are simple, the top email marketers are seeing click-through rates of 1.2%, 1.63%, 1.77%. That means if you send out an email to 1,000 recipients you should expect to see 12 to 18 clicks.

With push notifications that can be sent from your Business Glu dashboard, you get a 10.3% CTR or higher, and it only takes an extra few minutes to implement. This is not intended to take you away from email marketing either, but to just layer it onto what you already do.

Send updates, clickable links, and images to your customers with the rich-media push notifications.

Business Glu Is The #1 Tool To Effectively Engage With Your Audience

Quit relying on social media groups to engage with your following and share your powerful content! Groups are a powerful connection tool, but at the end of the day, you have to realize that Facebook, LinkedIn, and other websites own the people in your group!

Their algorithm chooses who sees your content in their feeds, and how many people view your live videos.

What if you could give your audience an easy way to digest your content? Business Glu does just that! It allows you to have your best training in one convenient location, and even allows you to send a push notification whenever you do go live on Facebook or YouTube! This influx of new viewers can trigger the algorithm to show to even more people!

Leverage pushes and houses all your training in one spot! Be in front of your market at all times! Your customers always have their cell phones around. Be where they are at all times with your timely message.

Increase Sales With Business Glu

Say goodbye to in-person meetings & time-consuming sales meetings over Zoom. Let the app do the selling through the interactive sales presentations.

You load the app with your best sales material including videos, PDFs, audios, and images that sell your content fast.

Include links at the end of your sales presentations with a direct call-to-action.

Automate Your Sales With Business Glu

Business Glu allows you to passively presell your potential prospects, stay in front of them, and sell more. With your own customized Business Glu training app, you can educate your prospects, provide value to them, and sell on autopilot.

  • Interactive Sales Presentations
  • Clickable Push Notifications
  • Up To Date Sales Messages
  • Educate Your Consumers
  • See Where They Are In Sales Process

Generate More Leads With Business Glu

House your challenges, boot camps, lead magnets, bonus training, repurposed Facebook Lives, podcast teaser videos, webinar recordings, and more inside of Business Glu! With everything in one spot, you can now offer multiple lead hooks from your favorite landing pages!

We integrate with ClickFunnels and all other landing page builders you know through our simple Zapier integration!

Offer Multiple Entry Points With One Delivery Point!

Effectively Educate Your Following With Business Glu

Save time educating your prospects about your business and services. Holding a Facebook Live or a webinar, and want to get the word out? Send a push-notification from Business Glu!

Stay informed on what training your prospects are watching! Track what videos they have watched so you can make informed follow-up decisions.

  • Passively Inform Prospects
  • Send Live Training Updates
  • Prioritize Training
  • Track Prospect Progress
  • Easily Add New Training

Boost Credibility With Business Glu

With so much noise online it can be difficult to get your target audience’s attention! Business Glu allows you to stand out as an authority in your market! When you get your own customized training app you can tell your following to “Download My Training App”!

Instantly you stand out because you have something your competition does not. When you start leveraging the power of the push notifications and all Business Glu has to offer you will look different from everyone else.

Authority leads to sales!

Integrate With ClickFunnels and Zapier

Connect your Business Glu account with your favorite page builders like ClickFunnels or LeadPages (through Zapier).

You can continue to build your email list while also getting your audience into your own app environment so you can leverage the power of push notifications!

We also have integrated with Aweber and allow for exporting of all Business Glu signups via CSV for importing into your favorite autoresponder of choice.

Your Own Powerful, Automated Marketing Tool!

  • When you get access to Business Glu you are going to have a powerful, automated marketing tool that will become one of the biggest assets on your team!
  • Skyrocket Your Click-Through Rate - In Minutes!
  • Boost Conversions Through Automated Selling!
  • Unleash The Sales, Content, Engagement Machine!
  • Build More Leads, Close More Business!
  • Gain Massive Authority In Your Niche!
  • Take Control of Your Engagement!